Celebrity News: Jenni Rivera's remains identified,may she rest in peace

Celebrity News: Jenni Rivera's remains identified,may she rest in peace

The remains at the scene of the plane crash have been identified by investigators and it is the body of Jenni Rivera.   The music celebrity ...

Celebrity News: Rick Ross Gang Threats Investigated by Chicago Police although he canceled his show

Celebrity News: Rick Ross Gang Threats Investigated by Chicago Police although he canceled his show

This is an update for the previous article, we did about Rick Ross at Sanctified Church Revolution blog , about a NC gang allegedly making d...

Celebrity News: Two Convicts Plotted to CASTRATE and MURDER pop star Justin Bieber

Celebrity News: Two Convicts Plotted to CASTRATE and MURDER pop star Justin Bieber

Two con victs plotted t o kill pop star celebrity Justin B i e ber.  Last month, B ie ber was in concert at the M adison Squa re Garden an...

Celebrity News: Halle Berry makes 'amicable' deal with Gabriel Aubry

Celebrity News: Halle Berry makes 'amicable' deal with Gabriel Aubry

Halle Berry has made a deal with the Calv in Klein mo del and father of her daughter, G abriel Aubrey .  If we w ere her, we think that wou...

Celebrity News: Joe Jackson in 'serious' condition after stroke

Celebrity News: Joe Jackson in 'serious' condition after stroke

THC readers, we feel this was coming on the day of the late King of Pop's funeral.  For this reason, when one of our journalists admitte...

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