May Jenni Rivera rest in peace July 2, 1969-December 9, 2012 Watch Video Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about t...
Celebrity News: Jenni Rivera's remains identified,may she rest in peace
The remains at the scene of the plane crash have been identified by investigators and it is the body of Jenni Rivera. The music celebrity ...

Celebrity News: Rick Ross Gang Threats Investigated by Chicago Police although he canceled his show
This is an update for the previous article, we did about Rick Ross at Sanctified Church Revolution blog , about a NC gang allegedly making d...

Celebrity News: Two Convicts Plotted to CASTRATE and MURDER pop star Justin Bieber
Two con victs plotted t o kill pop star celebrity Justin B i e ber. Last month, B ie ber was in concert at the M adison Squa re Garden an...
Celebrity News: Learjet that killed Jenni Rivera and crew linked to ex-con
Although, this Learjet had a history of running off the runway in Texas back in 2005, the mother of the 20-year-old co-pilot allegedly claim...
Celebrity News: Singer, Reality Star Jenni Rivera Remains Found Plane Wreckage
The Mexican -American singer and reality star Jenni R ivera's remains have been found, althou gh her family was hop ing she would still...

Hollywood News: 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Brandi Glanville scheduled for surgery
The reality star of 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' is scheduled to have surgery for a benign tumor in her breast. Brandi Glanvi...
Celebrity News: Mexican-American Singer Jenni Rivera Dies in Plane Crash
This news is so sad, another music celebrity gone too soon. Allegedly, Jenni Rivera was traveling from her home in Mexico this morning whe...

Celebrity News: Notorious B.I.G. autopsy finally released
After all these years, the autopsy for Notorious B.I.G. has been released to the press. As we all know, Biggie was shot in the passenger...

Hollywood News: 'Night Court' Creator Reinhold Weege Dies at 63
Do you remember the 1980's hit sitcom, 'Night Court?' Well, the creator who gave it birth has died. Reinhold Weege was also a...
Hollywood News: Actor Stephen Baldwin charged with failing to file NY income tax
The brother and famous Hollywood actor of Al ec Bal dwin, S tephen was charged with allegedly fail ing to file income tax i n New York. S...

Celebrity News: NFL linebacker’s mother screams as his baby cries in 911 tapes | AT2W
Sisters, let us continue to encourage our young black men to make sure they only play football for so long or not play at all, because alt...

Mary J. Blige and Husband Sued for $2.2 Million for Defaulted Loan
Singer Mary J. Blige is being sued for allegedly defaulting on a $2.2 million bank loan. According to New York State Supreme Court court d...

Celebrity News: Bobbi Kristina’s Ex Nick Gordon Arrested for reckless driving | AT2W
Sisters, this news about Bobbi Kristina's adopted brother and ex-boyfriend, Nick Gordon does not surprise us, since after a few months...

Celebrity News: NFL Linebacker Jovan Belcher’s Commits Murder-Suicide, Killing Girlfriend Then Self | AT2W
Sisters, at the end of the year, this is another case among several others we just don't want to hear about, murder-suicides that to...